Sunday, September 2, 2007

a glimpse of heaven

Yes. I saw the glimpse of heaven.

this weekend I got the chance to go to a MBB convention in was sooooo beyond awesome. I got really emotional at the very end. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings. It was beyond imagination to see people from various countries and backgrounds- Persian, Turkish, Egyptian, Uzbekistani, Indian, Sudanese, Italian, European, Chinese, and me. People were praying and worshiping in their own languages. It reminded me of the Book of Revelations. And I truly took heart of what Paul said- considering everything (power, money, high position, stable job) nothing in comparison with knowing Christ- experiencing that glimpse of heaven daily. It is so hard. Christy is right- just like the 3 disciples that saw Jesus got transfigured and rose into the heavens....they had to go down eventually back to the chaotic world. Wow- i hunger for these heavenly moments so much.

I got to meet some amazing people this weekend. Most of all, I heard so many incredible stories/testimonies of how God spoke. It involved dreams and visions and i'm amazed on how God speaks to a tribe in its own unique way. The stories and images and the time spent keeps on flowing in my head...wonderful wonderful stuff.

I saw what a man of God is like. God keeps on hinting to me what an amazing man of God should be- will go to the ends of the earth for God. has a servant's heart. dreams big and loves the lord with every single cell in him...and reaches out to the poor and the lost (physically, spiritually)...and filled with God's Spirit.

Where is God's glory? I keep on looking outside for it when God keeps on reminding me...there is much to do within my own surroundings.