Monday, June 9, 2008

Spiritual Warfare, it is SOOO real.

Spiritual Warfare.

Now this is a topic that many people are not comfortable with. I really don't know why. Or they were not taught the concept- all they know is the do good Christian, Sunday Christian or the love/happy/peace Christian. NO, spiritual warfare is real and it is very much in the Bible. from the beginning till the end. Eph 6 that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but of those that dominate the air...spiritual warfare, man.

Today my mom shared with me some serious things that have been happening to her and then again it reminded me that prayer is absolutely crucial. even if life is going super duper good, pray. pray with all your heart and pray in the Spirit. It is God's grace and mercy to remind me through my mom about the importance of spiritual protection over family members, over household. Reminds me the class I took at church called "cleansing streams"- mannn....God is good and real. Thank God for Jesus.

Things have been quite amazing at home. My mom went to visit my aunt and her family (who are all Christian) in San Francisco and she came back completely changed. It was like crazy difference. There was joy and peace in herself when I saw her. She shared with me how God's presence was sooo at my aunt's household. She suggested that we start a family bible study every Saturday from now on (what a thing to praise God! God really loves our family!) so this past Saturday, I led the Bible Study on "Lordship" (straight from one on one book EN) and we had a 1.5 hour discussion- all of us got something out of it- my sister, asked really hard questions 'cause she is 8 and she doesn't know a lot of the Bible yet- but it was a good time where we concluded that we need to learn about Jesus as our LORD (over everything!!!)

So, this morning my mom got to share with me that she has been experiencing spiritual beings tangling her or haunting her. She keeps on thinking it is my grandpa who has passed away. But feeling suffocation during sleep, seeing headless figures, nightmares after nightmares....breaking down to tears and helplessness...I felt convicted in telling her- NO, whatever left that is doing such mean things to do or scarying you is not of good. So we talked for 2 hours on spiritual warfare. It ended with us praying together or me praying for her and for a cleansing of our household and my mom's heart....."Cleansing Streams" stuff came into play. I shared with my mom about Eph 6- and to tell her that small group, daily devotion is so important in puting the armour of GOd. And Praise God, my mom believed what I said and listened in and realized that IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE OTHERS TO FELLOWSHIP AND PRAY WITH/FOR.

We started to talk about the swimming pool at our complex. THe other day I went with my sister to go swimming. It was around 9 pm and no one was left except me and her and the lifeguard that goes off on his own world sometimes. I sensed darkness looming over while I swam to the darker something was gonna pop out in the water...i told myself " watch TOOO many scary movies" and in a hurry, got my sister and left the pool. When my mom told me today while she was sharing about last time she was swimming- she experienced something pinching her - i knew... something is not good that dwells in the swimming pool. hence, next time i am near that swimming pool- i'm gonna be praying in the Spirit...whatever it is....NEEDS to leave our community pool.

Anyways- i am SUPER convicted to be praying now....esp after such spiritual talks and prayers...ANd I know- there is deeper healing that is starting fully its works in my mom. Thank you Jesus

I strongly to encourage to pray for your family and household today.

For where the Spirit of the Lord is, THERE IS FREEDOM.