Sunday, September 7, 2008

Even in the valley....He shall be with me.

So, after a very strange 3-4 weeks of trying to figure out life....finally....I am at a place where I can stand firm even in the deepness of the valley. Oh no doubt, I still wake up with a very fast heart beat and I can never sleep past 9:00 am.... but I know that God is going to be glorified today and this is a day to be rejoiced.

Even in the shadow of the valley
Even in the darkest hour
Even when my heart is shattered and weak
Even when my emotions overflow with despair and loneliness
I know you are with me

Father, will you hear my cry?

I came back from an amazing intense trip from West China. I went with pretty much 21 people I haven't really met- well, 2 of them I knew- but the others I didn't really know. I came back from a 6 week trip- heart broken yet completed, 21 new family kingdom dreamer family, golden relationships, the focus of community and calling towards XJ and China.

If you want to hear about it- email me! I would love to share more.

Anyways-after 3.5 weeks of discerning what i should do and going through post project depression, I am back!