Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I believe in a God who fulfills my deepest dreams and desires. I can say today that I truly believe that.

Today is my 25th birthday. Quarter of a century. Seriously....i feel kind of old. Today in class we were doing surveys- and when i got to the age catagory- i saw "18-25" and i realized that before i was in the middle and now i'm at the end of the age gap. It's slightly scary and frightening....but i guess the older you are the wise you get?! hahha.

Since the beginning people have been giving me so many great presents, whether its a card that was so loving or TONS of sweets (i can tell how much ppl love- the sweets that they have been buying me...hahhaa). Chocolate cheese cake, soft bake dark chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, white choclate cookies......mmmmmmm. i had 3-4 sugar rushes today....enough of that- but the best gift was what God gave me- last night, 3 of the other IV staff people got together and our get together turned into an intense healing prayer session for me.

in the words of my fair lady "by george- i think she's got it"

1 comment:

Annie said...

happy birthday jalin!!