Friday, May 2, 2008

the end is just the beginning....the journey continues.

I'm graduating! for the 3rd time....after senior year in high school, senior year in college, now a master degree student. I can't believe how time has flown. I look back and so much has happened and so much has changed. Everything around me changes constantly....and again i'm at the fork of transition. Today was my last day at World Vision as a policy intern. I cried....surprisingly i did. I'm gonna miss all the people so much. George and Tala, Josy (my mother figure at work), Monica (her passion for China), Cristina (Spirit filled sister), Paul (co-intern who really i enjoyed getting to know this year), Joe, and others... The precious people. The project I worked on- mental health needs of Palestinian children. I'm really proud of myself for reconstructing my thought process and writing skills from micro to macro scale. I'm really tired of writing papers 'cause the past 2 years especially this year- papers got harder and harder to write as the topic became harder.....I remember our first class at social work- we went around the room and were asked our goal, and i said "i want to be a better writer"- and i have achieved that after writing 20+ papers.

everything after graduation is still a bit up in the air. i know i need to go home at least for 3 weeks- i haven't seen my dad in 1.5 years and i really do miss being with my entire family- so i need to go back to Taiwan and regain strength from an exhausting school year. i need a job....i need a place to stay which i think is sorting itself out.....i need to go to China...which is all up in the air right now. but i trust in the Lord- despite how uncertain things are- the past 4-5 months i have learned that trusting in God's timing and truly believing that with all my heart. and wait upon the Lord in JOY and PEACE.

Can't believe another transition is waiting ahead. I'm not moving New YOrk yet- but i know the time is to be numbered. My heart is growing with the city but ultimately it is not here....i know that. so i guess prepare my heart for the little transition for the bigger transition that is lying ahead-

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