Saturday, October 25, 2008

Near death....

Today again- I shared with dear friends about my near death experience. I really do want to take this time to share about it.

It was a cold Monday night. I just finished attending one of the IV small groups that was focused on athletes. I was buying groceries from Morton Williams and while I was walking out and about to see if the bus was across the street- i saw the bus. I knew how irritating it is to wait for the i literally ran for the bus. Of course I looked around and there was no car. The stop light was red for me- but as again, didn't see any car- so I ran for the bus that was across the street. While I ran, I stopped. Just a second later- a very very fast NY taxi cab zoomed past me. I was a bit shocked. I got on the bus...

The next day I was going through the heaviness but I realized God was telling me- It is not my time yet....there are many things here to do on earth. I could have died that night or things would have majorly changed...but by the grace of God, i am living today.

My time on Earth is not done yet.

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