Monday, August 17, 2009

Hosts and Guests

Today was one of those days that something just made me emotional... I was in training the whole day in midtown. While I was crossing the road to head to Borders to study for my licensing- I overheard a woman asking "excuse me, do you know the nearest supermarket?" I looked up from concentrating on my walking in the streets and this woman definitely was from the Middle East. She definitely looked like she was an auntie type and had her head covered- but not completely. I was just drawn to help her and I went up to her to let her know the nearest supermarket was on 2nd ave (we were on 1st ave). I walked alongside her and we had a conversation. She was a mother of 2 children, her son is a doctor at NYU and her daughter is also in NYC and just graduated from NYU. Her name was Fatimah. She was from Algeria. I got to share with her that I lived in Bahrain before and then she was telling me how she wanted her daughter to go to medical school in Sharjah. She gave me the most beautiful comment before we departed our ways "you are such a beautiful person and you are a whole person"- she kept on telling me that I should be a doctor and that I would make a wonderful doctor (but of course- i know that she probably is a fan of the profession because her son and daughter are both doctors). We parted with "God bless you" and "Ma'Salama" (goodbye). I was very very joyful that I got to meet Fatimah today.

Today during the women's bible study we were studying about Hosts and Guests.


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