Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring forward

Wow!!! I have not written on this in so long. Thought it would be fun to start again as a way of processing my thoughts. I promise myself I need to be in bed soon at least every night by 11:30 pm I need to asleep so I can only write for 5 minutes. I am trying to get enough sleep because being a social worker requires a LOT of sleep so you can be prepped up for the next day. Also, social workers need a lot of GOD...encouragement, love, to keep on going. Praise God for an opportunity to speak into other people's lives. I have been in my job for almost 2 years and that for a 20 something is a big accomplishment! However, next step is definitely on my thoughts. I realized that in order to move forward, to have to learn how to let go of things that try to tear you down or keep you behind. I am starting to realize God's calling in having an apostolic giftings...the meaning. Thank you God that you still think I am worthy to be refined and worked on. So grateful for my wonderful family, amazing friends that God constantly reminds me that He is with me and He is in me. He dwells and lives.

Been thinking a lot about the Middle East and Japan...please keep them in your prayers!

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