Monday, May 28, 2007

Love...what a marvelous thing

Today I watched a film called "The Holiday". I was trying to avoid watching lovey dovey chick flicks- so i watched hardcore movies such as Blood Diamond...etc. But, wow- i absolutely loved the movie. If you haven't seen it, please go see it! it really speaks to the heart. There were plenty of shedding tears part...i mean, come on, i cry to anything.

Another good book to read is "The Kite Runner"....also made me teary eyed. I spent a whole day sitting in one setting- the book was that good!

Anyways- this is dedicated to you out there...this poem from E.E Cummings from the movie "In Her Shoes"
For you
A poem by e.e. Cummings

I carry your heart with me.
I carry it in my heart.
I am never without it.
Anywhere I go, you go, my dear.
And whatever is done by only me...
is your doing, my darling.

I fear no fate...for you are my fate, my sweet.
I want no world, for, beautiful...
you are my world, my true.
Here is the deepest secret no one knows.
Here is the root of the root...
and the bud of the bud...
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life...
which grows higher than the soul can hope..
.or mind can hide.
It is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart.
I carry your heart.
I carry it in my heart.

thank you friend for reminding me about this poem today. read the poem with Ennio Morricone's Cinema Paradiso theme :)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Here, there, and everywhere.

Today is Sunday and the sky has been pouring rain down like mad. It is weird since the first day I got home it has been nothing but sunny, hot and humid and now the weather has slightly "calmed" down- which is good! hahaha. But then again- I don't really like rain that much. Despite the fact that my name contains "blessed rain"- i still don't really want to associate myself with rain.

It has been a week and half since I came back to Taiwan. A lot of things has happened since then. Some are safe to publish, some are not- but overall, wow- God is faithful. I have moments where I can't help but feel sad that I won't be going to other places this summer. I do have the traveling itch...but I also am very tired of traveling to places- adapting, adjusting, and then leaving. Maybe i'm tired of these short term trips. I want to go longterm. I had a chance to go to Mombasa, Kenya this summer- but i surrendered it. I had a chance to go to Kashmir, India and Kuala Lumper, Malaysia- but also, no. I guess I just wanted one summer NOT raising support and starting to earn money and seek skills to build for my future. not to say that going out to these mission organizations won't teach me- but there are things i can learn without going to places. I got an interview with Safe Horizons in New York as a relief case manager for teenagers that suffer through substance abuse and prostitution. I hope to get that job because i for sure can see that as an extreme learning experience for me. Also- since i've been to new york- i haven't felt at home yet- so i look forward to really dig deep with my church in new york and once and for all- decide and start serving/growing with the church. I never really got to enjoy new york city when i was was always internship, school, and homework and sometimes some fun with others....but now, when i go back- i will get the chance to experience the city.

but i don't know why- i can't help but think...i blew away a chance to go to all these amazing places....

amazing things has happened since i came back to Taiwan though.... i must say....i need to continuously ask God to reveal His plan for me.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Today's song- "Listen" by Beyonce (OST of Dream Girls)
Dreamgirls - Listen Lyrics

To the song here in my heart
A melody I start
But can't complete

Listen, to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning
To find release

the time has come
for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own
all cause you won't

I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home, in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say whats on my mind
You should have known
Now I'm done believin you
You don't know what I'm feelin
I'm more than what, you made of me
I followed the voice
you gave to me
But now I gotta find, my own..

You should have listened
There is someone here inside
Someone I'd thought had died
Sooo long ago

Ohh I'm free now and my dreams 'll be heard
They will not be pushed aside or turned
Into your own
All cause you won't


I don't know where I belong
But i'll be movin on
If you don't....
If you won't....

To the song here in my heart
A melody I start
But I will complete

Now i'm done believin you
You dont know what I'm feelin
I'm more than what, you made of me
I followed the voice, you think you gave to me
But now I gotta find, my own..
my own...

It really is a beautiful song. Beyonce has an amazing voice. I got watch Dream Girls before i left new york and was really impressed by the movie. i think i'm just overall a bit sick of chick flicks...i'm all about motivation, action, and most of inspirational movies. If you have not seen the movie yet- go see it. boys and girls- both!

Today i was last minute called to sub for a level three preschool class- i was scared for a bit in the beginning, but the students turned out to be so cute and so well behaved. its so weird having an english conversation with these kids as their native languages are all Chinese. they are all so cute. most of all- it makes me so happy to be able to see my old kids from last year- they still get really excited and scream "teacher Jalin!!" they have all grown so much and they all speak fluent English now :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Consuming Fire

Today's inspirational song- "Consuming Fire" by Tim Hughes

There must be more than this
oh breath of God come breath within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for you
Fill us anew we pray
Fill us anew we pray

Consuming Fire
Fan into flame
a passion for your name
Spirit of God
fall in this place
Lord have ur way
Lord have ur way
with us

Verse 2:
Come like a rushing wind
Fill us with power from on high
Now set the captives free
leave us abandoned to your praise
Lord let your glory fall
Lord let your glory fall

Just like the lyrics said, "there must be more then this"- just like the before i knew that God existed, i believe that there must be more then this dried up life....just like i knew when i was in China that there must be more then this- I want more. I forgotten about it and God seriously sent my dear sister Mingsha to remind me of His love and His beyond our understanding grace. I realized that I am dried up all throughout. Life has been great in New York, but "there must be more then this"

God, I ask for brokenness. I ask for brokenness and an open heart to see you.
God, I ask for consistency in prayer, quiet time, seeking your will. I need to trust that your will is way much better then my will and your will is perfect.