Sunday, May 20, 2007

Here, there, and everywhere.

Today is Sunday and the sky has been pouring rain down like mad. It is weird since the first day I got home it has been nothing but sunny, hot and humid and now the weather has slightly "calmed" down- which is good! hahaha. But then again- I don't really like rain that much. Despite the fact that my name contains "blessed rain"- i still don't really want to associate myself with rain.

It has been a week and half since I came back to Taiwan. A lot of things has happened since then. Some are safe to publish, some are not- but overall, wow- God is faithful. I have moments where I can't help but feel sad that I won't be going to other places this summer. I do have the traveling itch...but I also am very tired of traveling to places- adapting, adjusting, and then leaving. Maybe i'm tired of these short term trips. I want to go longterm. I had a chance to go to Mombasa, Kenya this summer- but i surrendered it. I had a chance to go to Kashmir, India and Kuala Lumper, Malaysia- but also, no. I guess I just wanted one summer NOT raising support and starting to earn money and seek skills to build for my future. not to say that going out to these mission organizations won't teach me- but there are things i can learn without going to places. I got an interview with Safe Horizons in New York as a relief case manager for teenagers that suffer through substance abuse and prostitution. I hope to get that job because i for sure can see that as an extreme learning experience for me. Also- since i've been to new york- i haven't felt at home yet- so i look forward to really dig deep with my church in new york and once and for all- decide and start serving/growing with the church. I never really got to enjoy new york city when i was was always internship, school, and homework and sometimes some fun with others....but now, when i go back- i will get the chance to experience the city.

but i don't know why- i can't help but think...i blew away a chance to go to all these amazing places....

amazing things has happened since i came back to Taiwan though.... i must say....i need to continuously ask God to reveal His plan for me.

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