Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Consuming Fire

Today's inspirational song- "Consuming Fire" by Tim Hughes

There must be more than this
oh breath of God come breath within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for you
Fill us anew we pray
Fill us anew we pray

Consuming Fire
Fan into flame
a passion for your name
Spirit of God
fall in this place
Lord have ur way
Lord have ur way
with us

Verse 2:
Come like a rushing wind
Fill us with power from on high
Now set the captives free
leave us abandoned to your praise
Lord let your glory fall
Lord let your glory fall

Just like the lyrics said, "there must be more then this"- just like the before i knew that God existed, i believe that there must be more then this dried up life....just like i knew when i was in China that there must be more then this- I want more. I forgotten about it and God seriously sent my dear sister Mingsha to remind me of His love and His beyond our understanding grace. I realized that I am dried up all throughout. Life has been great in New York, but "there must be more then this"

God, I ask for brokenness. I ask for brokenness and an open heart to see you.
God, I ask for consistency in prayer, quiet time, seeking your will. I need to trust that your will is way much better then my will and your will is perfect.

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