Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dream on dear friends!

I just had lunch with my teammate/sister in Christ Lina. I'm glad that she is here in the city and the others who are dear to me....but most of all- thank God for such passionate people who seem to have the same desire of serving God in the ends of the Earth. We are all dreaming the same dream as kingdom dreamers.

Its so hard to have had such an intense experience in the far ends of the Earth- where we are far away from our familiarity and dropped in the midst of strange yet so awesomely interesting people and culture- and not be affected by it. The closest thing to Heaven on Earth- what is it? Glimpses of it were experienced- like how a team of youth that loved God had disputes came all together in Christ in the end and learned to forgive, accept, tolerate, love and cherish one another- like how a minority who has been suffering her whole life of not knowing the truth suddenly is taught about truth and what is out there and the freedom....

We live in a world where money, power, relationships, materialism rules.....and as I was talking today with my dear friend- i was reminded how we can be affected by those things. People are making money and power driven. People are seeking boyfriends or girlfriends or their attention to make their emptiness in their lives content. People are wanting to enjoy newest and trendiest things while forgotten the basic and simplest things in life- like sharing and building on friendships, like spending time with family and serving them, like being able to look at the homeless woman and give a smile to a stranger. Where have we gone? Have we even forgotten the most basic things in life....

Maybe its not all about making money and gaining power....are you going to be happy when you are done? I have to tell myself that. God catches each one of my tears and I know those tears that I have shed because of the feelings I have towards loved one or ones in Asia is not going to waste.....those tears will be counted up and provided within the provision answer entitled as my calling...

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