Monday, August 6, 2007

La Vie En Rose

I went with Dawn to the Paris Theater to watch a French movie called "La Vie En Rose"- it was all French and biopic about Edith Pilaf...the amazing singer. The movie was very "french" as Dawn would call it. It was true- it jumped here and there and while both me and Dawn were getting confused.....the plot was coming out eventually at the end. It was a very sad story....I thought.. the director definitely made it into a sad shade into it. But overall- it was a good movie. I can't believe the actress who played Edith Pilaf was the same as the leading actress in A Good Year...!!!!! crazy...she definitely will get an award sometime along her career.

So I have finally came back to the swing of things in New York. While I've had busy schedule of working and spending time with out of town friends- I have also started to like New York again. So much has happened this summer and its funny in comparison to what I have done- I really haven't done much other then go home and come back to new york....but God has taught and guided me in many ways. Last year an entire year of confusion and transition and emotions....i feel like finally- God has given me eyes to see what he has meant to be...what he has planned....and i must say, its better then anything in the world.

Praise God for miracles....
1) my internship in World Vision for next year. That in itself is a miracle. I came back from Taiwan confused of my whole social work career- people like Steph and Val helped me a lot through my external processing. And of course- at the end, my dad listened and gave me very wise advice. I was almost going to quit school and reapply again- my dad thought that was very foolish to do while i can take classes and make my last year into what I would have wanted it to be. So, I decided to go back to International Social Policy- i had to reject my 1st choice internship and refind a new one. My field advisor Moira has been MORe then supportive and helpful. I told her my goals and visions and she listened and processed and respected my decision. Then after 2 weeks- she calls me and told me how she asked UNICEF, UN and everyone has already reached their intern capacity. And then she asked me..."well, there is a spot. have you ever heard of World Vision?" and my heart skipped a beat....and i thought to myself "are you kidding...of course..." and it turns out they have a spot opened. So i went in and I was interviewed by their executive director who seems like a wise old gentleman who has been in the corporate business world for a long time- he told me that they need an intern to work on their biggest donor's project- working with implementing psychotherapy afterschool programs with girls in Palestine....while i looked at him while he presented this case...i could NOT believe it......did he even know that I lived in the Middle East? Did he even know I love Arabs and Muslims? Did he know that i did psychotherapy last year with Chinese immigrants?...... i was in awe. So i'm officially on board with World Vision- starting from September. My dad and mom are SUPER excited for me :) thank you GOd.

2) I got involved with a Muslim Background Believer here in NYC- I heard her testimony and was EXTREMELY blessed and of course cried...but she wanted someone to help her out with PR work of her t-shirt fundraising for her Muslim ministries. I have been thinking of wanting to explore more about couldn't be better. I must say- so far its a bit frustrating...with the churches...but we shall see. But how did she know I was in a bit of a financial crisis? she offered to pay me......seriously, God- you are too good...

3) i had a good dream last night....about my dear friend back in the northwest. i'm going to hold onto that dream and believe that the good day is going to be happening soon.

Hosanna in the Highest.

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