Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Kending....paradise of Taiwan

I always hear from others about how awesome Kending is. For those who don't know- Kending is the most southern part of Taiwan. It is known for the amazing beaches and coastline and the sunny weather- kind of like San Diegoish. Never did I know how amazing it really is.....I was very hesitant in going- because i was going to go with a bunch of people who most i didn't know or just met a few weeks ago....but it was fun. pretty healing. Some of the things I did this weekend
- watch "Night in the Museum" on the 5 star bus down from Taipei to Kaoshung. oh yeah- the bus departed at 5:00 am....
- shared about XJ to ppl on the bus and Rachel...i think i got Rachel and Joseph hooked...
- Was in the Bai Sha Wan (white sands)'s water for 4 hours....i kept on asking Luke "Luke, where's the waves?" :D diving into waves was absolutely awesome.
- Rode behind a scooter around the southern tip. Joseph is a good driver
- shoot firecrackers into the beach. at first it was kind of scary, but then me and rachel became addicted
- Slept on the floor at the hostel that reminded me of the China days with Rachel. We froze in the night.....barely got sleep and was afraid of roaches....hahah.
- Sea water remained in my hair for 2 days and 2 nights...
- Pineapple, Mango, Apple smoothie...yum.
- Me and Luke bottoms up with spoonfulls of green curry
- Rachel and me on the donut jet ski ride. it was amazing because we sat on a donut shaped floating balloon and the jet ski driver drove full speed and dragged us onto the sea.....he definitely made sure he did sharp edges...it was high.
- Meeting Joseph's brother who works at a very popular Italian restaurant. He was really nice!
- Love river talks
- The balloon artist guy and my penguin balloon
- talks late night :D

what a great trip. great friends, great memories, great food, great tan ^^, great ocean, great convos...yeah.

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