Friday, June 1, 2007

That's what i'm talking about...!

Wow. Tonight Friday Night Live was AWESOME!!! So, Friday Night Live is definitely a present from God for me in Taiwan. In the previous months I was always wondering why is it so hard to get an internship or a job- therefore, with a slightly defeated attitude in searching- i went back home in search for long needed rest and also just what to do next. In those anxious moments of impatience and waiting- God knew exactly my next steps- why i needed to go home to Taiwan and all for His kingdom.

So it all started up with me getting a phone call a few weeks ago from my old preschool. They knew i was back since i paid a visit to them a day before the phone call. the phone call was at 8:00 in the morning. Yes! i was awake by then because i usually take my sister everyday to school around 7:30 am!!! i know....and i'm on vacation?!?! hahaha. but that day one of the Foreign teachers, Lisa, was sick and she needed a sub for her level three preschool class. So, of course- wanting money- i took the job and she assured me that her level 3 class- 8 kids- was gonna be a piece of cake to sub. It did turn out to be awesome!! i had a lot of fun with the kids- and they were so cute! they were teaching me what to do and what their usual routines is and they even showed me their graduation show dance- which is THRILLER!!!! can you believe it- 8 five year olds will be dancing to thriller- so awesome. Anyways- the point is that that day when i was in the teacher's lounge getting prepped by Mike- i met Rachel. what a God sent!! I first found out she was from Nashville, TN! :D Southern pride. and then from the way she was talking- it sounded familiar. in my mind i was like- this girl, she has to be an evangelical Christian with a mission purpose here in Taiwan...and it turned out exactly what i was thinking!!!! even though we just met that day- we bonded like crazy. Both crazy about spreading the Gospel for Jesus. We shared testimonies that day and we just talked for quite a long time. Most of all- she told me about this group she was involved with on Friday nights. She told me that she was an English teacher for this Friday night event for high school girls- i was curious.

I love Taiwan- but I guess I never really felt strongly attached to wanting to evangelize at home. Home is home. Home is where i can just rest. Anyways- so with curiousity and also by the Holy Spirit and also after meeting Rachel once- i ended up going with Rachel that week to Friday Night Live. I had no idea it was hosted by Studio Classroom- which is a very well known, good reputation, popular magazine/radio station/TV show in Taiwan. They mainly teach ppl about English and English convo. I have heard that they are a Christian organization a long time ago. So i went in faith and just really wanting to know what/how God is working in Taiwan. MAAANNN- i was so amazed by what I saw and heard. There were SOOOO many ppl there. The place was packed and they started the night with worship. People were all singing to the worship songs (with movements) and it was really friendly. After praise and worship- it was time to split into groups. I naturally went with Rachel to the high school group- which was notoriously known as the roudy group with many teachers and students. We took up the whole basement and after an ice breaker- we all broke into smaller groups. That night I remember the topic was "people pleaser" which is such a huge thing in my life. I remember meeting a lot of girls that night and really loving my conversation with them. They were so friendly, opened and wanting to know more about me as i wanted to knwo about them. God stirred my heart that night. I guess i was just bewildered about how opened evangelism was in Taiwan - in comparision to certain other countries. After that- ive been going regularly and developing friendships with the High school girls

So tonight was pretty awesome because of MANY reasons- (here is the summarization person in me...)
1) Columbia friends- Alby, his brother, and Nic came out tonight. It was awesome to have them. So random though- i Only met Alby once also randomly at a party and the other two i met tonight. It was awesome getting to know/speak more with Alby and also to see how they all hit it off with the Taiwanese high school community. They ppl all lloved them and they loved all of them- it was so awesome to see that God was soooooo in works. I can't wait to see Nic being more involved with the group during his summer here in Taiwan!

2) Today we were talking about the parables of the sower from Matthew. Later on we split into 3 per group. My group extended into 5 ppl- but it was awesome because it was so divine. This girl named Helen who wore a green uniform (the best girl's high school in taiwan) sat with my best friend from elementary school - 2 of them with me formed a group. we started discussing what type of soil we were. My best friend was very honest in sharing that she is still searching and waiting for that moment ot happen. She was so opened and vulnerable when she was speaking. She is also opened in her heart as she wants to know God! this is my best friend since elementary school!!!! i need to pray for her :) Then Helen shared that she thought the Bible and the stories were fairytales- they could not be true. Then i started to share my part of where i think i am. I then began to tell Helen that i use to be that way- i use to tell myself that God is not real. If he is real, he would show me- that kind of challenge. But i was running out of time and I told them, well, if you want to hear my story, come find me after study!! so after study Helen faithfully came and approached me and Wendy happened to be next to me and I shared my complete testimony wtih them both. In the end, Helen looked intently and i could see God stirring in her something. My friend Wendy was already in goose bumps and really showed true enjoyment in hearing the story. Helen on the other hand told me how she hears a lot of these stories- but its not hers and she does not feel personal or passionate about it. However, God wanted me to tell her that Helen will have her own story and He is already writing it now and it will be something extraordinary and only designed for Helen. we all have our own stories and how God showed us His existance and love. Anyways- praise God!!!!!! He brings people to hear His story! I just need to pray more for these two women!

Anyways- that was a lot! :) but i wanted to jot it down before i forgot!!!
Praise God- this sorta stuff makes me so hyper! :)

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