Friday, June 8, 2007

Rain Rain...Go away...Come again another day.

Its raining cats and dogs in Taiwan right now. Its been raining since Tuesday....non-stop. Its not like those drizzly rain. Its been pouring and pouring. It stops and then starts pouring randomly- its the monsoon season....usually it hits in April but this year it is specially later...the whole global warming is really affecting the whole weather globally as we have been having unusual warm winters or extremely cold winters...whatever it is...we need to start protecting our environment more. We can start that by sorting out our garbage!

Today was another night at Friday Night Live. Today we talked about the parable of the weeds. I got to translate a lot more today for the bible study group. Since today we only had 2 teachers and 3 assistants- the high school group was split into the girls group and the boys group. the girls group was about 20-30 was pretty crazy. but i got to know more girls today- it is overwhelming because you cannot divide your attention to too many ppl, but you try your best. Helen (from june 1st entry) and I had a pretty decent conversation today. When I saw Helen today I gave her a warm hi. I think Helen is not one of those girls who is use to physical affection. She is a bit more shy. I don't know- God really put her in my heart since last time so i was really excited to see her today. So, after bible study, some girls came to talk to me but i was busy trying to close the convo in order to find Helen so i can get her contact info- but she got me before i got her! So after that she told me about her not doing too well on math in school. I told her i will pray for her. She sounded hesitant and was still very concerned about how bad she is doing- then i told her about a verse that someone once gave me when i was stressed out about school (thanks BEN!)- Philippians 4:6-7 and she jotted every word down in her parable book and was opened about reading about it when she felt anxious (she said she always felt anxious!!) I observed her today (i don't usually observe ppl) and it was awesome how she seemed to have lightened up a lot- getting to know high school girls and when we said goodbye today, she smiled at me and i told her- Jia Yo! (add oil, or Be well!) and she said nodded and said "em!" :) cute

I also had a good time with Cynthia and Vicky today- we had ice cream by Tpe Main Station. I've decided to host these girls for their stay in new york- they all just graduated from high school- so its important for someone to take care of them. Cynthia is very mature for her age. we talked about the future, new york and Christianity. She seems very opened in learning about God- but she mentioned a very important point about how it is hard sometimes for Chinese people to completely abandon their roots of ancestral worshipping as it is so much of the Chinese culture. I understand what she is saying- i told her that i realize it is hard also. I pay respects to my ancestors and my grandparents who have passed away- but i don't worship. worship and paying respects are 2 very different things. Anyways- wish i could have talked to Cynthia more about this- but I look forward in getting to know her more.

All these friendships are just blooming. God seriously has blessed me with new friends- Christian or not- Rachel, Gabe, Joseph, Jessica, Ashley, April, Sabrina, Phil, Alby, Nic, Brenda, Mike, Veina, Helen, Jean, Cynthia and Vicky, Jason and all the other high school students I met along the way. Only less then a month left...i am actually scared of leaving now....this beautiful chapter that God has given me.

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