Friday, July 6, 2007

The Gift of Tears

When I took the test on spiritual gifts- my top three were ranked: mercy, pastor/shepherd, and evangelism. I remember the first time when i took that test i was kind of like- "?!??!" I am a 100% feeler- and with that comes the gift of tears. When i start crying....i cannot stop crying. I never saw it as a gift until one of my staff in China told me that it is as he has tried and tried to cry...but he can't.

Yesterday I broke down crying because 3 reasons. I needed to cry it was awaiting- kind of like a waterfall awaiting to explode from the opening...
1) I missed my loved ones in Taiwan.
2) I hated being in New York
3) My future

Thanks for my thinker friend- she stood by my side till 5 am (btw- i am still jet lagged!) and listened, analyzed, and helped me see things in perspectives. There were no answers that came out of the convo- but I definitely feel stronger in approaching things. God is really good and he used last night to tell me some of the struggles that i still struggle with.....

i had only 2 hours of is this jet lag going to recover!

1 comment:

大毛*V* said...

I hope