Tuesday, July 3, 2007

new york- a new beginning. summer part 2!

i'm back in new york city. how surreal. i'm in my apartment typing this while outside is a beautiful nyc day. the weather is slightly chilly but beautifully sunny! got a few phone calls today....good to talk to my friends in new york. trying to get this camera thing settled....but its not going anywhere...AHHHH! So, the plane ride to New York was pretty smooth. I slept the whole time. There was this weird moment when i woke up and my neighbor was looking at me....weird...so i turned my back towards him and kept on sleeping. hahaha....then Stan came to pick me up-i appreciate him so much. the guy gave up a Yankees game and was sick and had work the next day- but he came to pick me up. I'm going to have to cook him an AMAZINg dinner to thank him.

i miss taiwan and my loved ones....

but there are much to figure out being back in new york.
1) my future
2) church- get settled with church, serving and small group.
3) start really being plugged in with InterVarsity staff.
4) meet more ppl!

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