Monday, July 16, 2007

Mondays, everyday

I just spent the last 2 days in New Haven, CT. It was like what people said- gorgeous campus, but kind of simple and a lot boring compared to new york city....but somehow i found much solitude with my friend sudi. Sudi is a 3rd year medical student at Yale. I still remember the days when we were in college....this weekend it reminded me of those days. Let's see- what did we do? Well, we walked a lot- i mean, A LOT! but i didn't mind because the campus was SOO beautiful. The buildings were all historical and gothic looking. I was slightly jealous by the fact that their residential colleges looked like Harry Potter's school....wouldn't it have been awesome if i had that residential college experience? A lot of my friends i ended up with were mostly from my freshman dorm. It would have been awesome to share the same space and dining area....:) Anyways- I also got to see Stoops, another Vandy friend. I haven't seen him since senior year in college....2.5 years I think we all haven't changed much, but just now with a shade of maturity and respect. Our childish wild days are over...and now we are more like adults. its true! its true...

I got a lot of sleep over the weekend. I also ate really really well! i ate at the local hangout spot, BAR- i had a mash potato/ spinach pizza....mmmmm....and the BAR house salad which was blue cheese, pecan, greens, pears with house vinegerette dressing. it was so delish. I also ate some awesome chicken biriyani at this restaurant called Zordosa- Sudi knew the owner and he gave us 10% off! :)

Other then that- let me see, it was nice to be away from new york for a little bit. i know i know..i just got back from taiwan too!! but i'm excited about what is ahead for the summer. last week i went through some pretty big finding out i can't get a job off campus which pays because of my visa status....pretty dumb...but what can i do....i'm F1...(sigh) but now things are looking a whole lot better. I think its all because of the comfort of God. I have a part time job on campus which does pay money, but i also will be interviewing this weekend for non-paid internships.. and some possible investment on ministry opportunities. But the weeks coming ahead are reallyh exciting because next week i'll be in Atlanta for Julia's wedding- finally doing bridesmaid duties....i can't wait! most of all- be back in the South...:) also seeing old friends and JULIA! Dawn is coming to stay with me for a few weeks in new york! i'm excited about that! Sudi is coming into town next week- and we are going to suit shop. Lets see.....Ethel is coming into town!! :) i'm excited and she is staying here! thats beyond exciting because a fellow China dreamer is coming to new york. Then the Cynthia, Vicky, Helen from FNL are all visiting new york in August!! :)

God is good- God, i pray for PROVISION and trust you are GOOD!
GOd- i also lift up those in the desertlands....the joy of the redeemed

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